Accidentally Fell For A Baddie Episode 18 And 19
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “Accidentally Fell For A Baddie Episode 18 And 19 Or Chapter Eighteen And Nineteen Of Entrapped Hearts by Adinu Cindy Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? Accidentally Fell For A Baddie Episode Eighteen And Nineteen: ????
???? Entrapped Hearts ????
His ????????????????, Her Sisco ????
???? Somebody call….911!
???? Can’t believe she passed out! Pffffft…drama queen.
???? Serves her right!!!
???? Ion pity her at all. Last year, she made me walk home in my undiés just because i accidently bumped into her.
???? She’s always acting like she owns the school. Am happy that somebody finally put her in her place!!
???? Fúck you Capri…sone. Gaaaawd! Can’t believe i just said that!
???? Guts….you’ve got guts now!
Different murmurings filled the place as the students made so many live videos of the already unconscious capricorn. Some tagged her pics as…
The camera lights are flashing like a torchlight on C.S.A’S face right now. If one wasn’t careful, they’d have thought that there was a press conference going on at that time.
“Piss off bitchés!” Sabrina snatched one of the girls phone and smashed it angríly before carrying capricorn in a bridal style.
The students adverted their gaze and scurried away in fear. Sabrina was known to be a big búlly, she bulliés the others because of her masculine-like body and they wouldn’t wanna fall into a trap to it.
“What just happened? Do you think they’re dating?” Ashley asked as she glared hatéfully at echo.
“Ion know, we’ll deal with that later. For now, we gotta take capri to the infirmary. It seems she hit her head preety badly” Sabrina replied and rushed out.
Ashley trailed behind her.
Capricorn squinted her eyes and finally opened them. Her sight was blurry at first but after blinking them thrice, it became clearer.
She floundered on the bed an moaned painfully as she felt pains on her head and neck.
Her eyes roamed around the room, the place was bright and she was also lying on something soft and comfortable. Where was she? How did she get here? Was she déad yet? Those were the thoughts running through her mind.
She sat up with a groan and looked around and found she was in the infirmary. Huh?. The last thing she remembers was francisco kiss…
“That wasn’t a dream!?. It really happened?? Ahh…” Capricorn gasped loudly when she remembered how francisco kissed echo hungrily like she was his oxygen.
“He kissed her…he kissed another girl that’s not me!? Why?…why!?. Aren’t i pretty enough?? Aren’t i séxy enough??” She cried with anger and frustration, then removed the duvet from her body.
The door opened and the school’s nurse came in with her (Capricorn’s) friends behind her.
“You’re awake” The nurse smiled and did some routine check-up. Capricorn’s nostrils flared and squeezed the pillows tightly, imagining that it’s echo’s neck.
“Ca…capricorn?. Are you feeling any better now?” Ashley asked worriedly as she went to sit beside her on the bed. Sabrina rested her back on the wall and stood still like a mannequin, staring at them.
Capricorn’s hand curled into a hard fist as her jaw clenched. The images of the kissing scene kept flashing over…and over again in her mind, which made her grow… CRÁZIER…. and CRÁZIER.
“Are you really asking me that right now?? Were you expecting me to sing and dance happily, after watching my fiancé kiss that stvpid INTRUDER?? Were you….were you!!?” Capricorn screeched at the top of her voice.
“Chillax babe. She was only trying….”
“Only trying to do what??. Oh, so y’all ganged up against me right!? Avoid me from now on, cuz it’s totally over between us. You’re no better than that INTRUDER….you backstabbing bitchés. I detest you! Get that! Get that!” Capricorn cut sabrina off. She stood up angrily and rushed to the classroom for the next lecture.
Thirsty, echo made her way to the vending machine to get herself a bottle of Cranberry Pomegranate juice. She inserted her cash and waited for the item to be dispensed.
“Aggggh…” Echo made one of her moans as the juice flushed down any form of bitterness and dryness in her oesophagus.
“Coco” A familiar voice called behind her and her heart skipped several beats. Here’s how it happened, her brain sent signals to her adrenal gland, which secreted hormones such as adrenaline, epinephrine and norepinephrine.
They flowed through her blood and caused her heart to beat faster and stronger. She snapped her head in the direction of the voice and there was a sudden reddening of her face, seeing the hottie before her.
“I can see you like the sound of that. Right??” Francisco’s melodies voice echoed in her ears as he inched closer to her. Just the sound of his voice, sent numerous thrills up and down her spine.
She felt his hands touch her waist and then he slipped his arms around her from behind and drew her back against his chest. His action made her heart flip, and she covered her mouth at her gasp.
???? Can’t believe he chose this bítch over CAPRI!!
???? She’s not even pretty. All i see is an error that can’t be cleared!!
???? She’s just a nobody! I hope he breaks her heart and she diés from heart break!
???? She will never know peace! She’ll súffer for the rest of her worthless life!
???? Her face looks like…. Ewwww!
???? She reminds me of the chewing gum i stepped on on my way to school!
???? Yuck!
???? It’s okay guys, not everyone has a good taste!
Echo let out an inaudible sough and squeezed her eyes shut. Even the the light bulbs got bored and fell asleep as capricorn’s fans ranted ON…and ON.
“You can rant and rave all you want, but it’s not going to change things. I chose her. And no motherfvcker can question me about that, cause it’s my life and not theirs” Francisco knitted his brows, grimacing.
“You don’t have to reply to them Cisco. Silence is the best answer to a bunch of fóóls” Echo turned and pecked his lips, entwining their hands in the process.
She still finds it hard to believe that they’re now together. Who could have thought that a person like francisco could make such a surprising confession…
“But let’s get this straight. I’ve been yours the whole time, and it’s time you accept the fact that you’re mine as well” Francisco smiled and claimed her lips, pulling her into one of the most passionate kisses she’d ever had.
???? Ahhhh!!!!
???? Somebody please wake me up, i think am having a nightmáre!!!
???? FRANCISCO has surely gone mád!!
???? This is the definition of MESSED UP!!!
???? Am sure she casted a spell on him. WÍTCH!!
???? My stars and garters!!!
???? Well, blow me down and call me shorty!!!
Echo’s eyes widened at once. He’s fuckíng kissing her!!! On the lips!!! In front of the whole school!!!
She blinked twice before coming back to her senses. Gradually, she wrapped her hands around his neck and started reciprocating the kiss.
Echo drew a deep, staggered breath in response to the wave of heat she felt flushing through her.
Francisco nibbled and sucked on her lips, earning a little moan from her. Then, with an intense urgency, he dipped his tongue past her lips, caressing her tongue with his.
She felt fluttering inside. Her body craved him!
“Fran…cisco” She moaned between the kiss as she felt electric current run down her spine. Francisco pulled back a little and looked away, exhaling.
Echo instantly bit her bottom lip, feeling crázy sparks all over her body as she could still taste his lips on hers. She didn’t understand why she was feeling wéird all over, even after everything that has happened to her.
“Echo… Campbell…” Francisco stuttered as he went on his knees. Eyes widened, hearts crushed, fists clenched and some even fainted.
???? Ohhhhh….
???? My….
???? G….
???? Fúck!!!!
The school’s blog is on fire right now. Many people are throwing them love comments, while the others are latter.
Echo’s face is appearing on every social media sites, Facebook, Instagram, You tube, WeChat, even on Tiktok. The reactions are up to 12k already!
Tyler and kirana came in that moment, and when they saw Francisco on his knees…
“Damn! What did i miss??” Kirana shouted.
“The INTRUDER casted a love spell on Francisco!” A student replied, and Kirana chuckled loudly.
Tyler looked at Echo, and when he saw a glint of happiness in her eyes, he balled his wrist and stormed out of there.
“Will you be my… COCO, my better half and moi HEARTBEAT. I promise to love you from the moon and back. I promise to complete that empty space in your heart. I promise to turn your sadness to happiness, frowns to smiles and tears of pain to tears of joy. I love you!” Francisco smiled, kissing the back of her hand. Echo didn’t give it any thought, she nodded and pulled him up, slamming her lips on his passionately.
“I love you too… CISCO” Echo mumbled in between the kiss as she grinned from ear to ear.
“I gotta go babe, my sister must be waiting. I promised to help her with something. We’ll chat later okay??” Francisco pecked her lips and left. Echo blushed…..he just called her BABE!!!
“Gotta go get my backpack!” She sighed and turned to leave, almost immediately, Capricorn blocked her way and she stopped walking.
“I still don’t understand what he sees in you. You’re so ugly….so ugly that i feel like puking whenever i see your face!” Capricorn said sternly.
“Ugliness can be fixed, but stvpidity is forever” Echo replied as shot daggers at her.
???? What!!!
Capricorn spotted a shiny necklace on echo’s neck, she smirked and ripped it off. The beautiful butterfly design fell off and echo’s eyes flashed red.
She climbed on one of the chairs and wrapped her hands together, using it as a microphone.
“Do you guys have enough tissues at your house??” Echo screamed.
???? Yeah, why??
“So you can use it to wipe your tears at her funeral, cause she’s so déad” And with that, echo pounced on capricorn like an hungry lion. She pulled her hair insanély, almost ripping it off her scalp.
???? Fight!….. fight!!!!
“Ah…..ah….” Capricorn yelped in pain. Her head was spinning and her vision was becoming blurry again. Echo got off her and dusted her hands.
“That was just a tip of the iceberg. You’ll get to know the new me once we’re on the streets” Echo glared.
“Need to go wash and sanitize my hands before i get infected with your stvpidity. DUMBIE!!!!!” Echo pushed her aside and laughed as she left.
“Am gonna end you. Just you wait and see” Capricorn gritted her teeth.
Carolina walked into the restaurant and took a seat. Her eyes shined like a glossy pearl just washing on a shore of black sand with the warm rays of the light shining down on it.
Lips of bright cherry red went well with the tight black dress she was wearing. The light hit her just right so you could see every luscious curve of her body.
Just try to imagine the most beautiful woman you have ever seen in your life and times it by ten fold. Absolute perfection!
“Lina…” She heard a voice call her name and her eyes widened. She stood and remained transfixed on her spot as her eyes grew WIDER….and Wider.
Her mind was in total ruins. She was beyond confused and angry at the same time.
What was he doing there?. Wait…how did he know she was going to be there?. Did he follow her??
The only person that was supposed to know was the guy she was chatting with on the dating app. Does that mean?.
“No….it can’t be. No!!!” She shook her head and staggered backwards almost crashing into a table reserved for some important clients. She made to run away, but Blake quickly ran after her and grabbed her hand, just before she could leave the restaurant.
“Don’t touch me!” Carolina snapped his hands off hers. Her phone beeped in her purse and she quickly pulled it out.
A picture was attached to it. It was Aurora, holding a picture of her UNBORN BABY!!?. She’s PREGNANT!!?.
“Ahhh….” Carolina shrieked and passed out on her spot.
Echo entered the house and met her mum sitting in the living room, eating her popcorn noisily. Since their house got ruined after the explosion….she moved in with her junior brother.
“Mom….” Echo called slowly but silence followed. She summed up courage and sat beside her, she even held her hand.
Darby frowned and quickly stood up, but echo’s next word halted her on her tracks.
“Darby Campbell…. don’t walk out on me when am talking to you” Echo spat ferociously and darby’s jaw dropped opened in shock…
To Be Continued