A Search For True Love Chapter 26
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “A Search For True Love Chapter 26 Of A Search For True Love by Authoress Rejoice U Jason Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???????? A Search For True Love Chapter TWENTY SIX:
“Let me give you the honor of choosing your punishment yourself” Princess Helen said
Mitchell sighed in relief
“That was a slip of tongue. You’re expelled Mitchell” She said
Mitchell burst into both tears of shame and regret
Jaden spoke into the Princess ears and she smiled then nodded
“It’s also a privilege to introduce the love of my love to you Mitchell. Meet Prince Derrick” She pointed to Jaden and he bowed
“What!!!!” Mitchell exclaimed unknowingly
“Surprised huh?” Jaden asked
The students and teachers were shocked beyond disbelief
So Jaden was a prince and Elena a Princess who have been in the school all this while and they never knew?
“How did all these happen? Jaden can’t be a prince. I refuse to believe it” Mitchell frowned
“Here is the evidence” Jaden showed them his royal mark and everyone gasped
Mitchell eyeballs nearly dropped from it’s sockets
What a surprise!!!!
“OMG it’s true. Jaden is prince Derrick!!!” Lilian exclaimed
“If Jaden is a prince then Stanley is also a prince cause those two are always together” Elvis said
“You’re definitely right Elvis cause we all know Prince Derrick’s cousin is his best friend. His cousin’s name too is Stanley while Kira is the Princess personal maid” Lilian pointed everything out
“This world is truly a small place” Elvis said
“So I was crushing on a Princess all this time?” Desmond asked in awe
“Yup” Lilian replied
Desmond face palmed
“I’m really really sorry for everything. My King have mercy” Mitchell begged
“My daughter’s decision is final” King Darius replied
Rachel entered with her father. She was their only child but they weren’t doing really good financially. He was in his late 30’s but still looked good. When they entered,they bowed and greeted the princess and the King
Princess Helen smiled and whispered something to her father
The King smiled and looked at Rachel’s father
“What is your name sir?” The King asked
“My name is Thomas your majesty” He answered
“Okay Thomas. With the authority vested in me as the King of this Kingdom,I hereby employ as the new head of school and your daughter as the princess right hand lady”
The man went on his knees as everywhere shook with applause and cheers
“Thank you so much your majesty”
“Thank you” Rachel couldn’t believe it
All these in one day?
The students continued clapping as Mitchell stood up in shame
Ella and Claire were already out with their stuffs and were kicked out of the school with Mitchell and her uncle.
King Darius hugged Jaden before leaving for the palace.
Rachel went to princess Helen and bowed
“Thank you my princess”
“You’re welcome” She said
“Thank you princess” Thomas said and Helen smiled
“It’s my pleasure sir”
The students retired to their rooms later. They were happy that their shameless head and his cranky niece were finally out of the school. Things were going to be different from now onward
“Good job princess” Jaden applauded her
“Thank you” She smiled
“So,now that they know who you are,are you still coming to school?” He asked
“Yes. There are a lot of corrections to be made. I also want to see my new head of school in action” She answered
“You are so smart Elena”
“Thank You. How did the meeting with your father go?” She asked
“It went well. We’ll be going to see him on Monday”
“Okay. That’d be great”
“I also refused to reveal your identity to him. It’s a surprise”
She smiled and they talked a while before separating to their rooms
A SEARCH FOR TRUE LOVE: Chapter 21 – 30
Mr Martins had found his square root leaving Mitchell,Claire and Ella together. He couldn’t bear the shame
“This is messed up” Ella snapped
“Everything happened suddenly. I can’t believe all these”Claire said
“Shut up!!! It’s all your fault” Mitchell glared at Claire
“How is it my fault? You were involved too” Claire defended
“I was involved but you pushed her to the wall with the shameless stuff you did with my uncle”
“Shameless stuff? Oh now it’s shameless because it has backfired right?” Claire glared at her
“I lost the chance of being the princess right hand lady because of you”
“You already lost it cause same person you’ve been bullying all these while was the princess”
“Quit it you two” Ella spoke up
Mitchell hissed
“I hate such nonsense. How can she blame me for something we all had a fault in? That’s unfair” Claire vented her anger
Mitchell was about to say something but Ella cut in
“I know we are all upset about how things later turned out. It wasn’t what we expected. Elena as Princess Helen still baffles me,Jaden as Prince Derrick is another bomb on us so let’s stop fighting and start looking for a way out” Ella said
“There is no way out of this. We’ve been expelled from school in a very embarrassing way. There is nothing else to do than to go back to my parents place” Mitchell picked up her bag
“So you’re giving up?” Ella asked
“What’s the use? It’s not like I can beg her anymore. The Princess decisions are always final and can’t be changed”
“The Princess is softhearted” Ella said
“And also rigid especially when you annoy her to the core” Mitchell said giving Claire a hard glare
“Don’t make me pluck your eyes out Mitchell” Claire threatened
“Whatever” Mitchell rolled her eyes and hung her bag on one shoulder
“So this is how we’ll separate? Just like that? No hugs?” Ella asked
“I can hug you but I’m not hugging that piece of trash over there” She pointed to Claire
Claire hissed,took her bag and left
“That wasn’t nice Mitchell. This whole thing wasn’t entirely her fault. You had a part in it too” Ella said
“Yes but she is the reason we’re like this. Stranded with no money and no means of going back home” Mitchell said
Ella sighed
“Let’s just get out of here. I’ll miss this school though” Ella said and Mitchell scoffed
They took their bags and left the place.
A SEARCH FOR TRUE LOVE: Chapter 21 – 30
Stanley got back and they went to sit in the hang out spot of the school where they told him everything that happened
“Wow I really missed a lot” Stanley pouted
“Yes you did” Kira said
“But I miss you more Kira” He said and she blushed
“Dude it was only a day” Jaden said
“It was like 6 months to me” Stanley replied
“That’s so sweet. I can’t wait for when you two will finally be together forever” Elena winked at Kira
Kira smiled
“Yes me too. Hope you won’t take Kira away from me when you become queen?” Stanley ask giving Elena a suspicious look
“What do you mean?” Elena laughed
“When princesses marry and becomes queen,their personal maids become their right hand lady and Kira is yours so please release her for me let her be my Princess and choose someone else. I want my wife by my side”He said and they laughed
“Don’t worry Stanley. I discussed that with my father few days ago and it has been taken care of. I have a new right hand lady for now so Kira is free to become your Princess” Elena said
“Thank you Princess. This is why I love you” Stanley smirked. He was purposely trying to look for Jaden’s trouble and it’s working
“That’s why you love who?” Jaden glared at him
“Stop glaring at me. I’m only confessing my feelings” Stanley added more fuel
Elena and Kira knew what was happening already
“I thought you loved Kira. Stay away from Elena you wife snatcher” Jaden snapped
Stanley shook his head and wrapped one arm around Elena’s shoulder
“Hands down Stanley”Jaden ordered
“Why?” Stanley was enjoying this
You need to see Jaden’s face right now
“Kira talk to your so called future husband else I won’t be your in law”Jaden threatened and they started laughing
“Are you threatening my second love? For shame Jaden,for shame” Stanley shook his head
“Elena talk to him”
“I don’t have the strength” Elena replied playing along
“Stanley get your hands off her for the last time”
Stanley shook his head again
“Tsk…tsk…tsk Ms Elena,that’s one jealous boyfriend you got there”
“Who are you calling jealous boyfriend?” Jaden asked
“You of course”
“Wait till I get my hands on you. I’ll disfigure that face and that mouth of yours let me see which one Kira will kss on your wedding day” Jaden said and they started laughing
TO Be Continued