A Royal Obsession Chapter 9
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “A Royal Obsession Chapter 9 Of A Royal Obsession by Gbemi Writes Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? A Royal Obsession:
“Hmmm, that feels good” Cecelia said as the man held her in his arms, caressing her b**bs.
“Aren’t you suppose to be taking the measurement for the dress. I heard the designers are here” The unknown man said.
“Who cares about that. All I want right now is for you to keep touching me” Cecelia growl softly, taking hold of his hand to place it properly on her b**bs but he pull away.
“You aren’t doing what we agreed. I thought the deal is for you to get rid of your brother so you can become king or don’t you want that anymore?”
“You know I want it, more than anything in this world but just like my good for nothing father, my mother believes that Cyrus is the right heir”Cecelia said.
“And he is. It’s only right that the male inherit the throne but a female can as well do that”
“How can I? Cyrus is in my way ”
“Remember what we did three months ago? It’s just pure luck that he got out of it alive. Why don’t we try it again?” The man suggest.
“We can’t. There are eyes everywhere and Cyrus is still investigating the one we did in the past” Cecelia reply.
“Then if that wouldn’t work, let’s just look for a way to get rid of him. The coronation is in a month time and if we don’t act fast, you will watch your brother being crown king” The man said and that got Cecelia sitting up.
“Never! Never will I let him take what belongs to me, I won’t ever allow it” Cecelia said fiercely.
“Then let’s think of how to get him out of our way”
“Got nothing to say?” Cyrus ask again, watching a shock Emma.
This is why people say never judge a book by it’s cover, Emma thought as she recall every single thing she said and did to him.
Will he make her pay for everything she did, that thought got her kneeling in front of him .
“I’m sorry your highness. I know I have been such a fool but can you…pardon this poor girl, if I had known that you were the prince I would never have…done all that” Emma said, her eyes glued to his shoes.
“Do you mean that?” She heard him ask.
“I do. If you pardon me right now, I won’t ever show my face to you again, I promise” Emma said.
She watch him walk towards her, Is he going to strike her, Emma thought as she kept starring at his shoe until she felt his hand on her arm, drawing her up.
“Right now, I only want to take you to my room and kiss you” he whisper into her ear and that made her move away.
“What did you just say, you psyc…” Emma held back when she saw the guard watching them.
Cyrus let out a chuckle and took hold of her hand.
“Tyler,I will be in my room. You are free to do whatever you want” Cyrus said to the bodyguard who gave a bow and left.
“Where are you taking me to?” Emma ask, controlling her tone cause after all she’s talking to the prince.
“To my room. I said that I wanted to kiss you, right!”
“But I don’t and besides, I’m here on business” Emma said, tugging her hand free.
“What business?”
“I work with cloud fashion house and your…the queen wants us to design a dress for the upcoming ball. My boss is currently with her and I need to get back before she begins to look for me, if you could be kind to direct me to the tea room, I will be very grateful your highness” Emma said, hoping he’d take the hint and leave her alone but instead Cyrus laugh.
“Fine then, I will show you the way. If you walk down this corridor and take the right turn, you will find the tea room” Cyrus said.
“Thank you very much, your highness” Emma said and turn on her heels, following the path he told her to but on getting to the end of the corridor, she realise that she didn’t take the path when they were going earlier.
She turn to head back only to see Cyrus leaning on the wall, starring at her.
“Did you intentionally mislead me?” Emma ask.
“I did. Do you think that now that have found you, I will let you walk away easily, that’s never going to happen” Cyrus said walking towards her to lift her into his arms.
“What are you doing? Put me down! Put me down!” Emma shriek.
“We need to talk and this is the only private place we can do that” he said, taking her into well spacious room, furnish with luxury item and giving an expensive taste vibe.
“Where’s this?”
“My room. It’s the only place we can talk in private” he said putting her down to bolt the door.
“I don’t want to talk to you”Emma said, feeling apprehensive.
“Why? Does knowing I’m a prince change the way you think about me?” Cyrus ask.
“Of course not!”
“Then what are you scared about? You already know I’m a psycho, that should put you at ease” Cyrus said.
“Why didn’t you tell me who you were at the party?” Emma ask, knowing he wouldn’t let her leave until she talk to him.
“Why should I? I’m often use to people approaching me cause they know who I am but you…you were different. You treated me differently which made me intrigued”
“I didn’t do anything different. I was even rude to you, shouldn’t that make you hate me?” Emma ask.
” Why would I hate the woman who stole my heart on first sight” he said in return.
” On first sight? You don’t even know who I am”
” I will, I intend to know every little detail about you and I will make sure I achieve that but first thing is first. We agreed on something if we meet again” he said, walking towards her slowly.
“I..I don’t remember agreeing to a thing” Emma said, taking a step back.
“Fine, since you’ve decide to play ignorance, I might as well make you remember” he said, quickening his steps towards her.
Emma could do nothing as she watch him walk towards her.
He towered over her, his hands on the wall, leaving no room for escape.
His gaze slid to her lips and when she saw him leaning towards her, she quickly put her hand over her mouth.
Cyrus smile at this gesture and move away from her.
“Do I take it that you want us to share our first kiss on our wedding night?” Cyrus ask.
“What wedding night? Didn’t I make it clear to you that I don’t want to marry you?” Emma threw at him.
“Then you should know by now that I don’t take no for an answer. I want you Emma and I will have you, I don’t care whatever means I use, you will end up being mine” he said.
“You are crazy”
“Tell me something I don’t know” Cyrus said, acknowledging that he’s crazy.
“I want to leave, let me out” Emma said just as he got a message on his phone and surprisingly, he went to open the door.
“As much as I would love to keep you here with me, I can’t since I have some royal matters to attend to but do know that wherever you go from now on, I will be one step behind you, so don’t think of ever running away from me cause I won’t let you” he said,looking cruel and scary.
Emma left his room in a rush, deciding the find the tea room and Aurora so she could get the hell out of the palace and away from Cyrus.
TO Be Continued