A Royal Obsession Chapter 5
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “A Royal Obsession Chapter 5 Of A Royal Obsession by Gbemi Writes Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? A Royal Obsession:
^^^ T&T CAFE ^^^
“He did what?” Cathy shriek, earning the attention of other customers.
“Keep it down! You being here already have a lot of eyes on you don’t make it worse” Emma caution her friend who nodded in answer.
“I’m sorry but what you just said is crazy”
“I also didn’t believe it when it all happen but after sleeping it through, I realise that it did happen, I did meet the psycho after all” Emma mutter.
“Just on your first meeting. He ask you to marry him? Gosh, this is so romantic” Cathy gush.
“Romantic my foot! It was a nightmare. You should have seen how scared I was” Emma said, remembering the incident from the other night.
“It can’t possibly be that bad. You met a guy who fell for you on the first day you met and he even propose marriage…I say you go out there and find this so guy and tell him confidently that you will marry him” Cathy tease.
“That’s not funny”
“But I’m not trying to be funny. You know you need to…”
“If you are going to tell me that it’s time I move on from Nigel, I advice you to stop” Emma said, interrupting her.
“But you two have broken up”
“He broke up with me, I didn’t” Emma correct.
“So what? Do you intend to keep waiting for him?”
“That’s what I intend to do”
“Emma, I know you love Nigel, I was a witness to your love but it’s time for you to move on. I think that’s what Nigel wants which is why he broke things off” Cathy said softly.
“Nigel is only blinded by what happen to him. If the accident didn’t happen, we will still be together” Emma said, her face filled with sadness.
“Do you still think Nigel loves you?” Cathy ask.
“He does. Nigel loves me and I know that but I don’t know why he insist on making me leave”
“Maybe it’s due to his situation”
“Nigel doesn’t have any situation. I love him before the accident and I still love him even with him in a wheel chair. If only he gives me a chance to tell him this”
“Should I talk to him for you?” Cathy ask.
“You will? Thanks a lot, I really appreciate ” Emma said, taking hold of her friend hand.
“Have been too caught up In my own story that I fail to ask about yours? How did your trip go with Cesar?” Emma ask, sipping her tea.
“Terrible! The guy turned out to be a pig. Can you believe that he has three girlfriend and plan on making me the fourth one?”
“Didn’t I tell you?”
“You did but stupid me didn’t realize it. I have made a decision to stay away from men and focus on my career from now on”
“Really? But I thought you said you wouldn’t stop until you find the love of your life?” Emma ask, teasing her friend.
“That’s over. I intend to be a nun from now on” Cathy said making Emma laugh.
” I heard what happen last night, your highness. Why didn’t you let your guards go with you?” Maddox, Cyrus right hand man ask as Cyrus shoot the arrow which hit the right point.
“I had somewhere to go” Cyrus replied, taking another arrow to place it on his bow.
“But you shouldn’t have gone alone. Have you forgotten what happen three months ago?” Maddox ask and that got Cyrus putting the bow and arrow aside.
“Of course I haven’t forgotten. How can I forget that I almost died three month ago?” Cyrus said as he remembered the day he got a call that his car exploded downtown.
It had been a shocking news for him since he had plans of using the car that day but someone else had taken the car and had been severely injured from it.
“What happen to the man who drove my car that day?” Cyrus ask.
“From what I heard last, he’s confine to a wheelchair for the rest of his life” Maddox return.
“That’s terrible” Cyrus let out softly.
“It is terrible which is why I want you to be safe. What if it had been you in the car? There are a lot of enemies who are looking for the chance to get to hurt you” Maddox told him.
“I know and their threat will keep coming since I will be taking over the throne soon”
“That’s why you need to have your guards with you all the time. They are the only one who can protect you”
“I will keep that in mind next time” Cyrus reply, picking up his bow and arrow once again.
“Next time? Why do I feel like you won’t keep it in mind at all, your highness?”
“Let’s discard this topic and focus on the main one, what is my sister up to?” Cyrus ask referring his older sister.
“I find her move to be suspicious. She brought in two of her female friends, they are currently with the queen having a discussion” Maddox inform.
“What’s that witch up to now?” Cyrus mutter knowing that everything his sister does is something that will ruin his reputation and make him look bad in front of their mother, the queen.
Since she herself is after the throne. That’s something Cecelia have always made Cyrus aware of.
She covets the throne and wants to be crown the next king. The car accident that happen three month ago has something to do with her though they’ve got no evidence against her, Cyrus thought.
“From my point of view. I think those girls are potential candidates to be your wife” Maddox said, jolting him out of his thoughts.
“My what!”
“Rumour has been going around about you being single. It must have worried the queen which is why she had two of her Highness friend come over, I’m pretty sure they will try to pair you with one of them during the gala party ” Maddox told him.
“Then we’ve got to find her before that happens”
“Who are we going to find?” Ask Maddox.
“My bride. She’s the girl I chose for myself, the one intend to marry” Cyrus told him.
“Is she the girl you left with last night?” Maddox ask.
“Yes but the thing is, I know nothing about and from now on, I want you to do everything you can in finding my woman” Cyrus ordered.
“Yes, your highness”
TO Be Continued