A Daughter’s Revenge Episode 84
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “A Daughter’s Revenge Episode 84 Of A Daughter’s Revenge by Nwigbo Chimaobi Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? A Daughter’s Revenge EPISODE EIGHTY FOUR:
Detective James sat very stranded in his office. He was totally lost in thought because of the none fruitfulness of the case so far.
Just then, Officer Kunle entered.
‘Officer, has she confessed? I mean any hint?,’ Detective James asked, very curious.
‘She has not confessed,’ he paused. ‘Detective, I think that young girl is innocent. She doesn’t have a hand in Chief’s death. I am very sure of that,’ he said, exonerating Miracle.
‘Then who is responsible?,’ Detective asked, very frustratingly.
‘That’s exactly what we need to find out. And we have less than two weeks to do so,’ he paused. ‘But one thing that still baffles me is how can a girl be having a sèxûàl relationship with both father and son at the same time?,’ Officer Kunle raised a point.
‘That is a big hint…’
Detective James was still talking when Officer Tunde walked into his office.
‘Look, I have good news. Look at what I found,’ he said, brandishing the ID card he found amid a glimpse of happiness and hope.
‘Where did you get it from?,’ Officer Kunle had to ask.
‘I was in the office when a spirit spoke to me to go and search the victim’s vehicle again. I did as the spirit directed. And behold, this is what I found. The ID card was stuck inside the seat cover of the vehicle. The ID must have fallen from one of the kîllèrs,’ Officer Tunde explained.
‘Good!,’ Detective James said, taking a deep breath. ‘Can I have the ID,’ he said and stretched his hand for the ID.
Officer Tunde handed the ID to him. Detective James took a very long look at the ID before announcing: ‘This is a student’s ID. That means, the perpetrators are students,’ he said, turning to Officer Kunle. ‘I want you to run a comprehensive profile check on the bearer of this ID. I want his information on my desk tomorrow morning,’ he instructed.
‘Okay, sir,’ Officer Kunle replied and left to carry out the task with immediate effect.
Detective James turned to Officer Tunde: ‘Join forces with him. I need the information first thing tomorrow morning. You can leave now,’ he said.
Miracle was later released from detention after no skeleton was found in her cupboard.
Officer Kunle and his colleague did a wonderful job. They had submitted the information to Detective James. The file was on Detective James’s table even before he came to work the next day.
The result of the profile check on the suspect was very worrisome. As a matter of fact, he was no longer a student. From the investigations, the institution had expelled him a long ago as a result of cułtîsm. And he happened to be one of the bad boys terrorizing the school and its environments.
With immediate effect, a warrant was issued for the suspect’s arrest.
The police trailed the suspect and arrested him in his house. He was not arrested alone; he was arrested with his gang. Many weapons including gûns were recovered in his house. They were caught taking different kinds of hard drugs.
The criminals were interrogated in a very hard way but they were proving so difficult to crack down. To the extent that the police had no option than to torture them.
The prime suspect was Dragon. That was his nickname.
Dragon recieved the lionshare of the torture on a verge hope of him confessing but all to no avail. He was even shot on the leg, still, he refused to talk. A hot iron had been used to inflict all kinds of injuries on his back, showcasing a map of the world. But all efforts proved abortive.
Dragon was more of a half dead in the police custody as the tortures had eaten deep into him. But he still refused to confess to the crime of kîllîng Chief.
However, Dragon finally confessed. That day, his legs were hung upwards while his head laid beneath. He had spent almost a day in that position.
‘Help! Help!! I will confess! I will confess!! I will confess!!! ,’ Dragon was shouting with his last strength.
‘…who kîlled Chief?’, Detective James asked. Meanwhile, Dragon had been released from the severe bondage. He sat on the stool with his hands tied back.
‘I led the team that kîlled him,’ Dragon had to confess.
‘Who sent you to kîll him?,’ Detective James added.
‘Nobody,’ Dragon said.
‘It’s crystal clear that you are telling a lie. I ask again, who hired you and your gang to kîll him?,’ he asked.
‘Nobody,’ Dragon reluctantly said.
‘Then why did you and your gang kîlled him?,’ Detective James asked again, angrily.
Dragon kept quiet. And Detective James had repeated the same question over and over again. But he refused to answer.
Then, Detective James had to resort into torture again. He jerked Dragon’s head and soaked it deep into the water. The water was in a big basin. He let Dragan to suffocate beneath the water.
‘Are you ready to talk now or not?,’ Detective James asked while pressing his head deep deep down the water.
‘I will. I am ready. I will confess..,’ Dragon managed to say while gasping for air.
Detective James released him. You need to see the way he was catching up with the air as if the air was running away.
‘For the last time, who sent you to kîll Chief?,’ Detective James asked.
‘Our Capone gave the order,’ Dragon confessed.
‘Who is your Capon,’ Detective James had to ask.
‘His name is Kizito,’ Dragon said.
‘Who is Kizito..i mean what is the real name of this your Capone?,’ Detective had to ask, curiously.
‘I only know him by his nickname. I don’t know his real name,’ Dragon honestly said.
‘Where is this Kizito?’, Detective asked.
‘I learned he is in the hospital right now. On the night he gave me the order during our gathering, he had a terrible accident while returning home that night,’ Dragon explained.
TO Be Continued