A Daughter’s Revenge Episode 61
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “A Daughter’s Revenge Episode 61 Of A Daughter’s Revenge by Nwigbo Chimaobi Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? A Daughter’s Revenge EPISODE SIXTY ONE:
‘..things are going well for us,’ she sighed. ‘Is not as if I am forcing myself into him. But I don’t understand him. I don’t know his plans for us. I don’t know how serious he is about us,’ Martha heaved a deep breath. ‘KC has kept me into the dark. If I ask him what his plan is about us, he will tell me he’s on it. That is the only answer he kept giving me anytime I brought up the topic of him going to pay my bride price. And I don’t want to pressure him so much as to let it not be as if I am desperate for marriage.
What should I do now? How do I approach this issue now with this condition I am into?
God, please help me. Because I am in a very tight situation now..’
Martha contemplated in silence on a fateful lonely Sunday. As KC had gone out to have fun with his friends. The same friends who abandoned him when things turned sour for him.
Kelechi and his friends were having fun that fateful Sunday in a beer parlor.
‘Mehn! Life is good. Tell me, what’s life without money?,’ KC bragged, then gulped down a bottle of cold beer to water down the lump of fish in his mouth.
They had fish pepper-soup on their table with bottles of beer.
‘Odogwu, a man without money is nothing but a dead man. Look, I am very happy that you have finally restored your fortune back. And you are now back to your status. Congratulations!,’ Kingsley said.
‘Look, instead of Onu na eri eri (a mouth addicted to wealth) to stop eating, let the non addicted mouth never eat. I am addicted to money, so I will do whatever it takes to remain in money,’ KC bragged.
‘Money is good. Ego bu mma nwoke(money is the beauty of man). Just look at you, how fresh you have become again. Odogwu, I am very happy for you..,’ David added in admiration.
‘Our people would say that; onye bu igu ka ewu na-eso. (This means that it is he who carries or has the palm fronds that the goat follows) This is because the person has what the goat eats,’ he paused. ‘ I am disappointed in you all. Because you people deserted me when things turned sour for me,’ he heaved a long sigh. ‘It’s very obvious that the reason why you people are flocking at my back now is because I am now back to who I used to be. It’s because I now have money again..’, KC complained bitterly.
‘Odogwu, it’s not what you think..’, Kingsley interrupted in defense.
‘It’s not what I think, ehn? What then is it ?,’ KC interrupted.
‘Odogwu, obodo bu igwe. The country is very hard. So we all are trying to survive..’, David added.
‘Yes! It’s not as if we ran away from you. No! We did not. Just that men are busy pursuing what the mouth will eat,’Kingsley had to come in again.
‘Oka-a-ay, you people were busy pursuing what the mouth will eat then, eh? Now nko? You people are no longer busy pursuing what mouth will eat? Or you people have gotten enough of what the mouth will be eating, ehn?..’, KC queried them before continuing: ‘You guys are not true friends. You all are just whirlwind friends; friends that will only stay when you have and desert you when you don’t have..’
‘Odogwu, stop saying so..,’ David interrupted.
The argument continued.
But silence later prevailed. As they all concentrated on their drinks and fish.
Moments later, they continued with their discussion again. But this time around, a different topic they delved into.
‘What of Odoziaku? (This category of Igbo wives referred to as Odoziaku, meaning wealth organizer)..,’ Kingsley asked.
‘She is fine,’ KC replied amid long hiss.
‘This one you are hissing, I hope all is well?,’ David had to ask.
‘All is not well. Martha wants to use the pregnancy, that I am not even sure I am the one responsible, to tie me down. She is on my neck. She wants me to pay her bride price with immediate effect. And I am not ready for this marriage of a thing yet. I want to enjoy my life to the fullest before any marriage commitment..,’ KC complained.
‘Why are you wasting so much time on that? Go and pay her bride price and settle down with her once and for all..,’ Kingsley advised.
‘Are you deaf that you don’t understand common English? I am telling you that I am not sure I am the one responsible for that pregnancy she wants to use and tie me down and you are here telling me nonsense. You are poor doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a sense of reasoning..,’ KC shunned Kingsley.
‘Odogwu, once bitten, twice shy. When you first lost Martha in your life, we all saw how your fortune declined to zero point and ever since she came back into your life again, fortune has started smiling upon you. Martha is your destiny helper. She is a big treasure you shouldn’t joke with,’ he paused. ‘Nwoke m, go and pay her pride price so to secure that treasure and have it all to yourself. Don’t joke with this second chance. Because if you mistakenly lose her again, you may not have her back again in your life. So you better make the hay while the sun shines..’, Kingsley added again.
‘I am not afraid of losing Martha in my life. Because, this time around, it’s a different ball game I am playing. I have gotten all the contacts and connections I needed from her. So even if the relationship ends today, I have nothing to lose,’ he paused. ‘Although I cannot lose her. Because she’s carrying my baby. So she needs me morethan I needs her..,’ KC said.
‘Oh, it’s now your baby? I thought you said you are not sure whether the pregnancy is yours or not?..,’ David had to ask
‘Yes, I said so. The reason I said so is because the pregnancy of a thing came out of the blue moon. It was immediately after our reconciliation she broke the news to me. Who knows if it’s another man’s pregnancy. Because I don’t know how many men she has slept with within the two months that we were apart from each other..’, KC explained.
‘Are you the same person saying all this? Do you realize who you are talking about? It’s Martha oh! The same person you always brag with; that she’s the most holy lady in the world. The same Martha you always vouch that she can never cheat on you?’, David had to ask.
‘The reason why the monkey said that he cannot vouch for his child is because she doesn’t trust the child. That even the one she is carrying at the back may stretch its hand and steal a banana without her knowing. So therefore, on no account can she vouch for her children,’ he paused. ‘I trusted Martha then. I can vouch for her then. But you see now, a lot might have happened within these two months we were apart. So I don’t trust her anymore..’, KC remarked.
‘Are you indirectly saying that Martha got the pregnancy outside and wants to pin it on your head in order to tie you down?,’ Kingsley asked.
‘Kingsley, don’t force words out of my mouth. Hear me well: there is every tendency that the pregnancy could be mine. I am not disputing that I am responsible. But I am skeptical here because I am being human..,’KC added.
‘You better go after a black goat in the daytime because when night comes, you might not set your sights on the goat anymore..’, Kingsley stated.
‘All I have to say here is that it’s he who wears the shoes knows where the shoe pinches. Look, gone are the days when women used pregnancy to tie a man down. Secondly, you don’t have to tell a man when to marry. As every man knows when he’s due for marriage. In a man’s life, money is not the only factor to consider before marriage. You have to consider the mental readiness of the man,’ Bright paused. Then began to address his colleagues. ‘So as it’s now, Odogwu is not ready for marriage. He wants to enjoy his life to the fullest. So you people should stop pressuring him. Let him do his things at his will..’, Bright had to speak finally.
‘Thank you very much, Bright. You are the only one whose level of reasoning and understanding is on a very high frequency. The rest here, poverty has eaten deep into their thinking faculty,’ KC threw his weight behind Bright while condemning the rest of his friends.
‘Odogwu, I am right behind you in this. Never allow any woman to force you into marriage without you being ready. Pregnancy shouldn’t be the deciding factor. Marry at your will; that’s when you are ready,’ he paused. ‘I will use myself as an example. I married at the age of 20. I was forced to marry my wife. The reason I had to marry her was because I impregnated her. So her people and my people insisted I marry her. I had no option than to go ahead to marry her. As a matter of fact, it was my parents that bore the financial weight of the marriage because I had no meaningful work doing for a living then.
TO Be Continued