A Daughter’s Revenge Episode 5
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “A Daughter’s Revenge Episode 5 Of A Daughter’s Revenge by Nwigbo Chimaobi Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? A Daughter’s Revenge EPISODE FIVE:
..the person kept banging as if he wanted to pull the gate down. In fact, fear gripped me down to my marrow.
But at the end, I summon up courage to go know who that was.
When I got to the gate, with fear, I opened the gate.
Guess who.
Behold, It was my ev|| uncle whom I thought was d£ad. The ev|| man who I thought I had escaped from him has resurfaced his ugly face again.
Uncle Ishaku.
The giant dreaded beast stood before me laughing hysterically.
My heart skipped. Fear gripped me down to spine.
Immediately, I tried to slam the gate at him but he held the gate’s handle tight making it impossible for me to close the gate.
He stood, staring at me resentfully. He was very angry. The beast in him has surged up and roaring. The way he was looking at me sent shivers down my spine.
However, I sorrundered the gate to him. Then I made my way back inside with steps backwards while still facing him. He followed me inside.
‘Stay away from me you ev|| man. Or I will shout now and alert people,’ I panickingly said.
‘Even if you shout, who will answer you inside this bush? Beside, what will you tell them? That you tried k|||ing me but failed?,’ he laughed so hysterically.
‘I did what I had to do to save myself from an ev|| beast like you. I will shout. And I will expose you. I will tell them that you wanted to r¢p€ me..’
‘And you think anybody would believe you? Nobody would believe you. I am your father’s younger brother. So how can an uncle r¢p€ his niece? Who would believe such story?,’ he said, laughing balefully.
It was as if my mouth was sealed immediately. Because as I opened my mouth to shout for help, nothing seemed to come out. He kept following me while I kept walking backwards, still facing him.
‘How did you find me? Please stay away from me. I don’t want to have anything to do with you people in my life again..’
‘How did I find?,’ he giggled. ‘You think you can run away from me? You cannot run forever,’ he guffawed. ‘Tukum town is my dwelling place. Or you have forgotten I am a businessman. I do come here once in a while for business. I trailed you all the way from the market.,’ he heaved a deep sigh. ‘Today, I am going to harvest you alive. That which you have denied me, I will have it today and now. I know you are home alone. So nobody is coming to save you from me’, he said and hastened his walk.
Just then, my legs clutched against a stone and I fell to the ground. He was close to me already. He then burst into laughter.
‘Uncle please, don’t do this to me. Leave me alone, please..’, I resorted to pleading.
‘Haba! So I am now your uncle not an ev|| man again?’, he asked while unlocking his trouser from his waist. ‘You better not prove sturborn. Allow me to have my way in peace or I have it by force’, he threatened.
He lowered to the ground to lie on me but i put up a fight. At a point, he succeeded in resting his weights on my legs. Then he held my hands while trying to pin me flat to the ground so as to make his way very easy. But I refused to give in. I struggled with him in defense of my helpless self.
Fortunately, my Aunty walked in. As she saw what was happening, she began to shout on top of her voice. But before she could lower the heavy load on her head, my uncle has ran away leaving his slippers behind. Anuty Annatu kept shouting but before people could gather, my uncle has escaped already.
We lived in a very big estate. The estate was owned by the teacher’s cooperative. It was a developing estate. In fact, the number of undeveloped lands exceeded the number of the developed ones in the estate. The close where Aunty Annatu managed to build her house, we only have two houses there while the rest were bushes and uncompleted buildings. It was a very lonely and quiet place to live.
After narrating to the hearing of everybody what happened, the youths angrily went after my uncle. They vowed to fish him out.
But uncle Ishiaku managed to escape the angry youths. As they couldn’t find him despite how thoroughly they looked for him.
TO Be Continued