A Daughter’s Revenge Episode 36
Thank you for choosing Siri as your online beautiful sweet story reading partner. Today we have “A Daughter’s Revenge Episode 36 Of A Daughter’s Revenge by Nwigbo Chimaobi Stories Or Novels To Read with Siri.”
???? A Daughter’s Revenge EPISODE THIRTY SIX:
Martha took a deep breath to finally calm her nerves down. She examined the teller and said upon confirmation:
‘This is the only good news of today. I can now beat my chest and say that I am happy,’ she declared amid laughter.
‘I am very much happy to see you smile again,’ KC said.
‘My greatest fear was my dream yesternight. I thought it has come to pass’, Martha added.
‘Joseph the dreamer. What is the dream all about?’, he asked, jokingly.
Martha started narrating her dream to her heartthrob.
‘…so that was the dream I had last night. Now tell me, why shouldn’t I be terribly scared? Why shouldn’t my mind be clouded with negativity?,’ she paused. ‘Baby, you would have done the worst if the reverse was the case..’
‘Baby, if I may ask, when was the last time you treated yourself for malaria?’, he asked, jokingly.
‘What do you mean by that?’, Martha had to ask.
‘What I mean is that malaria is really tormenting you so badly. That’s the reason you are having all these funny dreams. You better go and treat it before you dream of another one,’ KC joked.
They burst into laughter. As they continued with their discussion while the rain pelted down on the roof very angrily.
The contract was executed successfully.
Kelechi and Martha did a perfect job beyond the expectations of commandant Musa. They impressed and amazed him, especially with the fastnest of the job.
And the quality of the computers installed were top notch.
Commandant Musa didn’t delay paying Martha her balance. The Cheque was given to her in less than three weeks upon the completion of the contract.
Kelechi and Martha had a huge breakthrough. Because they made a heavy profit from the job well done.
He who much had been given, in return, much is expected. As such, KC and Martha had decided to pay a visit to commandant Musa for an appreciation.
They had expensive wine and a fat envelope with them while visiting commandant Musa in his office. Meanwhile they had booked an appointment with him already.
‘Once again, you two are highly welcome in my office,’ commandant Musa welcomed them.
‘Thank you very much, sir,’ KC and Martha almost said in unison.
‘I must confess, you guys did a wonderful job. All the computers are top notch. Our engineers had attest to that,’ he paused. In a heart full of happiness, he continued: ‘I am very much impressed with what you people did. The job is very impressive. Keep it up,’ he added, joyfully.
‘Thank you very much, sir,’ they chorused in unison.
Silent unveiled itself.
‘So to what do I owe this visit?,’ he had to break the silence.
Kelechi had to clear his throat, then began: ‘Sir, we are here to appreciate you for what you have done. As a matter of fact, our mouths together are not enough to thank you,’ he paused. “We have neither gold nor silver to give you, but please accept these little things from us as a token of appreciation,’ he said while handing an envelope and a bottle of wine to commandant Musa.
‘Hold on first’, Musa said. ‘Do you know why I said you should hold it?,’ he asked.
‘No, sir’, they replied in unison, shaking their heads.
‘It’s not as if I am rejecting what you people brought to me. No. I am not rejecting them,’ he paused. ‘Just that I will not be needing all. I can only accept the wine but as for the envelope, I will not take it. I don’t need it. You people need the môñèy more than I do. So take the môñèy, go and better your lives. That’s the major reason I gave out the contract to you, Martha. Because I know if it’s well with you today, it’s well with KC as well,’ he stated and collected the wine from them.
Commandant Musa firmly rejected the envelope even when they persuaded him to accept it as a token of appreciation.
They had fun in Musa’s office that very day. Because Musa entertained them with drinks. He also played a father figure role — he advised and encouraged them so much.
Martha had encouraged KC to look for a shop with immediate effect.
And KC has been searching for a shop for a very long time now. Because getting a shop in a good location inside that market was a difficult thing to do. Shop was very scarce.
But as God may have it, he finally got a shop in a very good location. The place was very close to Mr. Anthony’s shop. The owner of the shop was Mr. Titus. He was planning to relocate to Canada with his family. So as the information got to KC, he quickly went and meet with Mr. Titus and formally declared his interest in the shop.
Mr. Titus was very happy to hear that. As he know the story of KC and his Inlaw, Mr. Anthony very well. For the fact that what KC did was very bad, but he didn’t like the way Mr. Anthony maltreated and ate the môñèy of the poor boy. So when KC returned back to the market after a long exile, Mr. Titus was among the ‘Ndi Oga’ that were very happy to see him back into the market again.
Mr. Titus had agreed to give KC the shop at the subsidized price. He even forfeited the shelves inside the store. All as a means of supporting him.
Kelechi did not hesitate to make the payment for the shop. Mr. Titus himself could not believe it when he confirmed the payment. Because he thought KC could not afford the money.
Mr. Titus issued a receipt to him. He pleaded with KC to be a little patient. As they would be leaving the country in less than a month’s time.
Mr. Titus had finally left the country with his family. Before he left, he successfully handed the shop over to Kelechi.
Kelechi did not waste time with the renovation of the shop. As he wanted to start business with immediate effect.
As you know, the person behind the whole thing was Martha. She was so determined for him to start up a business. Martha forfeited her own share of the môñèy they made from that contract just for KC to start up the business.
The rumor of KC renting a shop started spreading like a wildfire. Nobody believed it. Even when Mr. Anthony heard it, he didn’t believe it either. Though he had been seeing KC there, he thought he was helping the owner in renovating the shop. It was when he confirmed it from the right source that he came to believe it.
Mr. Anthony was not happy that KC rented a shop close to him. It was a very big problem for him to deal with. The issue started giving him sleepless nights.
However, Mr. Anthony had started up a fight that KC would not do business in that shop. His anger was that how could a boy he taught business rent a shop very close to him to do the same business with him. He vowed that he would not be alive and watch such happen.
To Be Continued..
Watch out for the next episode to read how it unfolded.
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