Glad you are among the privilege who could take Siri as online personal sister and advicer. Ladies let’s discuss “5 Ways To Make Your Husband SUCCEED Today.” Make sure you share with your relatives after reading. Siri You.
5 Ways To Make Your Husband SUCCEED
One of the things every real wife does for her husband is to pray for and with him
Pray for him to Succeed in the office,
Pray for him not to fall into Temptation
Pray for his safety
Pray for his Ministry
Pray for his Health
God honors the Prayer of a Wife over her Husband.
Don’t allow him pray alone
Don’t allow him carry the fire alone.
Hello, Dear Wifey,
Is not only to get pregnant and born shildren
You can see vision for your husband,
You can give him prophecies
Don’t allow DStv or Zee World kidnap you
Don’t be spiritually complacent and leave the praying and fasting only for your husband,
As he’s speaking in tongues, be replying in tongues, let the whole house be on fire..
God punish the Devil.
Let him see in you a spiritual companion.
And see how that improves your home and his spiritual life.
Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”
This is almost a similar as praying for him, but still different.
Instead of laying curses on him,
Instead of abusing him,
Heap blessings upon his head daily,
Draw him close to your bosom and bless him as a Parent blesses the Child.
Kiss his forehead and decree over him “because you Married Me, you will not fail, you will talk where your mates are talking, our children will be great Men and Women”
When things are rough, a Wife should never be amongst those to crucify, lambaste or talk discouragingly to her Husband.
Even if he messed up.
Remember what Lot told his wife “has thou become like the the foolish Women”
Don’t be like the foolish Woman
Give your Husband words of encouragement daily
Even if he’s not meeting up, believe me, he’s making effort, he knows he’s falling short, he feels the pain, he may not talk, please encourage him.
Tell him you see his sacrifices daily,
Tell him you appreciate his efforts towards you and the kids.
Be his cheer leader
Cheer him to success
Tell him you believe in him,
Tell him he can do it, even if you don’t believe, never break his will to try,
Tell him he will make it in life
Tell him he will be a great Man,
Tell him you saw the great potentials, that’s why you married him.
So he’s secured a major achievement,
And he seems to be relaxing,
Fire him Up once more
Do not allow your husband become complacent
Tell him, “honey you can do even better”
Be his hunger to do more.
Let him take one look at you and receive motivation to go out there and conquer the World.
Let him leave the house feeling like nothing is impossible for him.
A HELP MEET must understand that her duty involves helping her MATE actualize his vision.
You are there in his life to help him succeed, to work and walk with him,
Just as he is in yours to do same for you.
Don’t become his competition
Don’t become his contender
A lot of women today are fighting their husbands, fighting their husbands dreams.
When he says let’s do THIS, you say let’s do THAT
When he says YES, you say NO.
When you keep opposing him because you think he is dumb, or he offended you, or whatever
Are you his HELP MATE or HELL MATE: ?
Don’t be used by the devil to bring down your Husband’s Vision.
Some Women have pulled their husbands down from GRACE to GRASS,
Some Women have destroyed their husbands Ministry, chased his business friends away, even gone to His office to fight and make problem,
Some Men have lost their Jobs and helpers because of the Woman they married. Don’t be that Wife
When he brings ideas, when he brings plans, support him.
Even if it will inconvenience you temporarily even if it means you don’t get the iPhone you asked for. Support Him.
Many Women agreed to plans that discomforted them, plans they didn’t like, made sacrifices to make their Husbands who they are today.
Your Individual Success is also a part of the equation..
Some Women pull DOWN their Husbands, Some push theirs UP
“Besides Every successful Man, is a Woman who contributed Immensely.”
Start Contributing to making your Man Great today.
#Siri s You!!!